Erica in Fu-GEN Theatre’s Potluck XIV

Fu-GEN Theatre's Potluck XIV

I was lucky enough to be a part of Fu-GEN Theatre’s Potluck XIV. This is the second time I have read in potluck and it truly is such a fun, supportive and inspiring event. Potluck can vary each year but this year there were excerpts read from 5 plays from the emerging playwrights in Fu-GEN’s Kitchen Program. I read in Rosedale by Ran Zhu, dramaturged and staged by Andy Cheng. I won’t give away anything about the piece as it is still in process, but I can add that it is definitely chilling and full of suspense.

The house was packed, extra chairs had to be brought in and after hearing all the pieces from these talented young writers there is literally a potluck! The yummiest night of theatre you will ever experience. A wonderful night definitely worth attending every year!!